Free Life-Changing Course. The Step-by-step Blueprint to
Ignite Peak Health & Performance
Get instant access to the blueprint we've used with hundreds of purpose-driven executives to reverse aging and perform at their best - even with 12 hour workdays - to improve health and performance and thrive in all areas of life. The audio, video & text (eBook) versions are all included for free.
7Â Life-Changing Lessons

Live Better, Live Longer
Aging & Its 5 Deadly Downsides: 3 Reasons Why We Age & Why We Don't Have To

Mindset Mastery
Kick Start Performance in Just 7 Minutes a Day with the #1 Strategy used by High Performers
Ideal Life Design
The Proven Blueprint to the Achieving the Life You’ve Always Imagined

Mastering Recovery through Sleep
The 5 Proven Steps Get a Great Night’s Sleep & Fuel Your Recovery

Fueling Energy
The Secret to Fueling Performance & Maximizing Energy with Your First Meal of the Day

Sustained Improvement
The #1 Item Needed to Sustain Activity for Lifelong Vitality

Crystalizing Impact
The 3 Items Needed to Create the Impact You Were Called to Make at Home & in the Workplace

Make it Last
The Key Ingredient for Small Daily Habits to Deliver Massive Results
Supportive Community
Live Fit, Ignite Change
Together, as a community, we inspire each other to live fit, ignite the change we wish to see, and thrive in all aspects of life.
Changing our world does not happen at once. It does not happen alone. It takes a committed group, so together, we lead by example making a positive impact at home and around the world!
Click play on the video to see what’s inside the community.

"My sugar levels went down to a normal range, I dropped 3 belt sizes and lost 17 pounds, while increasing lifts in the gym. It's important to live and enjoy life."
- Jeff

 “I regulated my blood sugar levels. The biggest achievement is how I feel. The difference in my gut health, energy and motivation is astounding.”Â
- Nick

 “My testosterone level increased naturally from 611 to 771, I’m in better moods, improved lifts in the gym, and body fat dropped from 11% to 7%. Thank you!”
- JP

"After hitting 45, I had found losing weight a struggle. I am so thankful Fit Life taught me how to live in a healthier way. I lost 9% of my body weight."
- Stacey

 "Lost 30 pounds since starting. This is not a diet, but a way of life. I've found the accountability calls so beneficial. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."
- Karen

 “I hit 405lbs on the bench, which means I hit my goal. The accountability piece of Fit Life played a huge part in me meeting that goal for sure!”
- Jason
Free Life-Changing Course
Ignite Performance Blueprint
Access the 7 lessons that could change your life. You’ll learn the exact steps high-achievers followed to ignite peak health and achieve success, significance and happiness!
Get Instant AccessMEET THE FOUNDER
Patrick O’Donnell
Hi, I’m an executive health and performance advisor, best selling author, speaker, host of the Live Fit Ignite Change Podcast, and Founder of the Fit Life Protocol. We’ve guided hundreds of purpose-driven professionals to ignite peak health and performance.
Of course, it wasn’t always like this for me. After the 2008 real estate crash, when I left my position in that industry, I was not in great shape. I took a step back to see what the top performers in the world were doing, and started modeling them and documenting the process.
A few years later, based on those habits, I was in the best shape of my life. In 2016, I founded the Fit Life Protocol in the gym I owned to empower members to ignite health and performance. I automated my business, and my wife & I fulfilled one of our dreams to travel the world for a year with our two boys.
Over the years, Fit Life grew into a corporate well-being and Executive Performance Coaching program, and we continue to use what we’ve learned to help people just like you ignite health and performance.