Ready toĀ Build a Wildly Fulfilling Life, Fueled by Peak Health & Performance?

Tired of not feeling and performing at your best? Itā€™s time to ignite peak health & performance!

We create personalized science-backed protocols to go along with the right supplementation plan. Itā€™s helped hundreds of executives reverse aging, perform better, and make a bigger impact. Schedule a call below to discuss our coaching options.


Book a Call to Ignite Your Performance

Select a time onĀ the calendar below, or connect on LinkedIn to ask any questions here.
Let's get youĀ toĀ peak health & performance asap!

What are others saying?

"My sugar levelsĀ went down to aĀ normal range, IĀ droppedĀ 3 belt sizes and lost 17 pounds, while increasing lifts in the gym. It's important to live and enjoy life."


"After hitting 45, I had found losing weight a struggle. I am so thankful Fit Life taught me how to live in a healthier way. I lost 9% of my body weight."


ā€œMy testosterone level increased naturally from 611 to 771, Iā€™m in better moods, improved lifts in the gym, and body fat dropped from 11% to 7%. Thank you!ā€


ā€œI regulated my blood sugar levels. The biggest achievement is how I feel. The difference in my gut health, energy and motivation is astounding.ā€Ā 


"LostĀ 30 pounds since starting. This is not a diet, but a way of life. I've found the accountability calls so beneficial. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."


ā€œI hit 405lbs on the bench, which means I hit my goal. The accountability piece of Fit Life played a huge part in me meeting that goal for sure!ā€

Patrick Oā€™Donnell

Hi, Iā€™m an executive health and performance advisor, best selling author, speaker, host of the Live Fit Ignite Change Podcast, and Founder of the Fit Life Protocol. Weā€™ve guided hundreds of purpose-driven professionals to ignite peak health and performance.

Of course, it wasnā€™t always like this for me. After the 2008 real estate crash, when I left my position in that industry, I was not in great shape. I took a step back to see what the top performers in the world were doing, and started modeling them and documenting the process.

A few years later, based on those habits, I was in the best shape of my life. In 2016, I founded the Fit Life Protocol in the gym I owned to empower members to ignite health and performance. I automated my business, and my wife & I fulfilled one of our dreams to travel the world for a year with our two boys.

Over the years, Fit Life grew into a corporate well-being and Executive Performance Coaching program, and we continue to use what weā€™ve learned to help people just like you ignite health and performance.

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